Angela Krause Lincoln of Alpharetta

Georgia's #1 Lincoln Dealer

Should I Buy or Lease? | Alpharetta GA

Which financial option is best for you?

Should I Buy or Lease My New Lincoln in Alpharetta, GA?

When you find yourself in the exciting pursuit of a luxurious Lincoln, the choice between buying and leasing may leave you at a crossroads. At Angela Krause Lincoln, we're dedicated to simplifying your journey into the world of luxury vehicles. That's why we've crafted this guide on the differences between buying and leasing — to assist you in making an informed financial decision that perfectly suits your lifestyle. For added convenience, you can secure a pre-approval online and utilize our user-friendly payment calculator to estimate your monthly payments — all from the comfort of home. Before taking your next step toward ownership or leasing, let's explore your financing options to determine the best one for you.

How Do Car Loans and Leases Differ?

Loan Lease
Path to Ownership
Upfront Costs

Cash price or a down payment, taxes, registration, and other fees.

First month’s payment, refundable security deposit, acquisition fee, down payment, taxes, registration, and other fees.

Lower Monthly Payments
Customization Allowed
Covered Under Warranty
Future Value

All vehicles depreciate, but you'll have equity when trading or selling.

The future value doesn't affect you.

Unlimited Mileage
Fees for Excessive Wear and Tear
Fees for Early Termination
End of Term

You'll have full equity to do what you want with the car.

Purchase the vehicle, or buy or lease another car.

Vehicle Return

Sell or trade.

Return the vehicle at lease-end and pay any applicable fees.

Why Purchase a New Lincoln?

Opting to purchase a new Lincoln provides the exciting freedom of complete ownership. As you make consistent monthly payments on your new purchase, you steadily accumulate equity in your vehicle. Plus, you can forget about any frustrating mileage restrictions. Interested in customizations for your Lincoln? No problem. Whether you desire an enhanced audio system, sleek exterior accessories or any other personal touches – the possibilities are endless. If you're looking to reduce the final cost of your Lincoln, consider trading in your current vehicle. You’ll receive an excellent offer when you decide to sell to us. Of course, there are cons to owning a luxury vehicle, like the possibility of higher monthly payments (in comparison to those you’d make if you lease) and specific credit and down payment prerequisites. Yet, the feeling that comes with owning a brand-new Lincoln often outweighs these cons, making it a great choice for those who seek a truly exceptional driving experience.

Why Lease a New Lincoln?

Amidst the continuous rise in car prices, leasing a new Lincoln is an attractive option for budget-conscious drivers. Your monthly lease payments may be more affordable compared to those you’d make after buying the vehicle outright. Additionally, you enjoy the convenience of driving a leased vehicle during its most trouble-free years. Most lease terms coincide with the vehicle's limited warranty, offering you added peace of mind. As your lease term concludes, you have several choices after you pay any outstanding fees: return your Lincoln to the dealership, purchase it or seamlessly transition to a newer model. Though there are many benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential downsides associated with leasing, such as mileage restrictions, the inability to customize and charges for wear and tear as well as early termination fees.

If you’re ready to be the proud owner or lessee of one of our new models, feel free to contact us or visit Angela Krause Lincoln at 1575 Mansell Road, Alpharetta, GA 30009. We look forward to serving customers near Sandy Springs, Cumming, Gwinnett and Duluth.

*Visit Consumer Reports’ page for more information on whether you should buy or lease.